We all want to hit the ball better. There is no better feeling in sports than to hit the ball and hit it well.
I want to share with you the best tips available starting with all the basics including how to hold a bat, the best batting stance, bat grip and even mental tips to give you the edge over the pitcher.
I also want to help you in the area of finding the best equipment at the best prices. My parents probably spent way more money than they should have on all my 14 years of ball.
The knowledge I have gained since then allows me to buy equipment at half the price they did.
I hope you’ll share this page with others too so they can get a fresh perspective on hitting.
After you’re done reading try and think about some hitting mechanics you can improve.
How To Hold a Baseball Bat
It’s all about the basics and fundamentals. Pro baseball players keep it simple too.
If you make hitting too complicated then you will struggle at the plate.
Through years of experience and listening to the pros the best place to hold your hands is at or just below your chest and five to eight inches from your body.
Holding it there will help you swing the baseball bat through the strike zone smoothly and quickly.
Hold the bat in an upward, vertical position. You definitely don’t want the bat laying down on your shoulder.
What About The Rest of Your Body Positioning?
The other parts of your upper body should be relaxed and calm. Both of your elbows should be bent and in a position that is parallel to the plate.
Keep your shoulder closed because if it’s left a little open it might swing a little too early and you won’t hit the ball solid.
Put all these components together and practice often. Try it in the backyard, front yard, ball field or wherever you can safely stand with a bat and swing it.
One word of caution: Don’t overthink it while playing in an actual game. That will just prove to be frustrating.
Work on mechanics anytime but game time.
Don’t forget how to properly grip the bat.
Baseball Batting Tips From Older Players
I recently read an article about a younger Major League player trying to soak up as many hitting tips as possible from a veteran player on his team.
I love reading articles like this because it shows the youth players out there that even big league players continue to look for advice from older more experienced players.
If you’re a young ball player and reading this, you have an advantage because you can start soaking up hitting tips now from coaches, older players and even Major League players who have been there done that.
Keep an open mind but in the end you have to feel comfortable at the plate.
How about tips from big league coaches? It can be very valuable to watch videos of them teaching.
Video of Coach Giving Excellent Youth Baseball Hitting Tips
How To Deal With Hitting Slumps
How do you get out of hitting slumps? With baseball hitting mechanics slumps, go back to the basics of hitting and practice them as often as you can. Keep your hips and front shoulder back and wait for the ball.
You should also avoid moving your head all over the place at all costs.
With mental slumps you need to take a breather and clear your mind. Don’t get down on yourself and start to doubt your hitting skills. Approach the plate each time with confidence and know that you will get the job done for your team.
This is a great game of chances. You will get another chance in your next at-bat and the next day.
Any Other Types of Hitting Slumps?
Tough luck slumps are the most annoying because you can have your mechanics down, your confidence up and drill the ball right at someone ten times in a row. You can drill the ball and the other player makes a great catch.
It’s a game of inches and this shouldn’t get you down because before you know it, your hits will start falling. Be patient and keep working hard.
You may not have a hitting coach on your team so you need to be able to recognize when you may be in a hitting slump and put your newly acquired tips on hitting to use. You may need a parent or a teammate to help you work through them.
You need to be able to rely on each other if you want to have a successful team. Don’t be afraid to ask a veteran player or your coach to help you out.
Keep your head up and have fun because hitting is one of the most fun activities in all sports.
Another Take on How To Deal With Hitting Slumps
Final Thoughts on These Baseball Hitting Tips For Youth
I hope you enjoyed these youth baseball hitting tips.
If you have any questions about these batting tips for youth baseball please don’t hesitate to ask me.
Remember the following:
- Have a comfortable stance
- Hit through the baseball
- Keep your head still from beginnig of swing to end
- Practice with hitting drills often
- Relax and have fun.
Even when you’re practice swinging you should swing the same way you would at the plate.
Lastly, if you want to be great at hitting you must practice your swing constantly so much so that it becomes almost like muscle memory.
My son just started playing baseball, and I’ll be sure to help him learn how to play better. I’ll make sure to help him learn how to properly swing the bat. That way I’ll make sure that he learns how to swing and hit the ball better.
Pancho – Great to hear! All about having fun!